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Σάββατο 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

Guide To Crafting: Jeweler 1-75

Only two of the crafting disciplines are able to make items that are usable by all professions – namely, Cooking and Jewelcrafting. As a jeweler, the player will be able to create rings, earrings and amulets that can be either worn or sold to other players. The jeweler is also able to make adornments for the various jewels in order to improve their stats and also create new types of gems.
While it is possible to start crafting earlier if you plan on using some of the items you make, they all begin at level 10. If you begin at that point, it will give you a significant amount of time to store up materials, making it quicker to level up the discipline.
All values given are approximations as you may get lucky with critical successes. These values can also be increased through the use of crafting boost items found in the gem store.
What you’ll need:
Levels 0-25
Refine your raw materials:
Make the following components:
Levels 25-50
Make the following components:
Move over to the discovery pane and begin by creating one of each type of ring (1 Band, 1 Setting, and 1 Jewel). Do this for each of the six different types of jewels. Continue to do the same with the Hooks and Settings, which will create earrings. Inventory can quickly become an issue, so if necessary salvage the items you have made to recover some of the materials, or sell your item on the Trading Post or to a vendor.
Once all the rings and earrings have been discovered, combine each type of jewel with a Copper Filigree to create adorned versions.
Levels 50-75
Create the following component:
Like in the previous section, continue to discover the recipes for all of the different types of amulets (1 Chain, 1 Setting, 1 Jewel). Once all six of the different recipes have been discovered, you should be fairly close to level 75. In order to gain those last few points, use the Adorned version of each jewel to create either rings, earrings or amulets of the Masterwork variety (such as Garnet Copper Stud).
Level Experience
You will gain a good amount of experience towards your character level each time your crafting level increases. Expect to gain around 2-3 levels worth of character level upon reaching level 75 in the tailoring crafting discipline.

Guide To Crafting: Armorsmith 1-75

There are two professions that wear heavy armor: the Warrior and the Guardian. If you are playing one of those professions and you want to create items that you can use, then you’ll want to consider taking up the Armorsmith discipline. This discipline focuses on creating heavy armor and upgrades for armor that has open upgrades slots available.
While it is possible to start crafting earlier if you plan on using some of the items you make, they all begin at level 10. If you begin at that point, it will give you a significant amount of time to store up materials, making it quicker to level up the discipline.
All values given are approximations as you may get lucky with critical successes. These values can also be increased through the use of crafting boost items found in the gem store.
What you’ll need:
Levels 0-20
 Refine your raw materials which should get you to around 20:
Levels 20-25
Now make the following insignia:
A nice advantage to Armorsmithing is that you can create your own “bags”. If you find yourself in need of some growing room, consider making a few 8 Slot Reinforced Bronze Boxes, which require 10 Bronze Ingots to make.
Levels 25-50
 Once you have reached level 25, you can now craft the next tier of insgnias, so make:
Once those have been created, make the following components:
Once all the items have been created, go over to the discovery pane and begin combining all the parts to discover the new recipes. Inventory space can quickly become an issue, so consider selling your items on the Trading Post, or to a vendor, in order to free up room. You can also break down the created item with a salvage kit and recover some of the original materials.
Levels 50-75
 Craft the following components:
Just as before, combine the items with the various insignia in the discovery pane to discover the new recipes. This should get you fairly close to level 75, but if not there are a few options:
  1. Continue to craft any item that grants experience
  2. Create Masterwork quality items such as the Healing Embroidered Jute Insignia (1 Bolt of Jute, 5 Spool of Jute Thread, and 8 Tiny Totems) and then create masterwork items.
  3. Discover upgrade recipes such as Minor Rune of Svanir (these can be much more expensive so do so with that in mind)
Level Experience
You will gain a good amount of experience towards your character level each time your crafting level increases. Expect to gain around 2-3 levels worth of character level upon reaching level 75 in the armorsmith crafting discipline.

GUILD WARS 2 ZONE GUIDES (from level 30 to 70) ~

Lornar’s Pass (Levels 30-40) Zone Overview
Lornar’s Pass is home to the Durmand Priory monastery.  The Durmand Priory is an order of scholars who believe that only through knowledge can they defeat the Elder Dragons.  Pilgrims seeking knowledge will often journey through Lornar’s Pass in order to reach the monastery.
Most characters will arrive at Lornar’s Pass as part of their personal story.   Starting in Nentory Valley, characters will find themselves at Nentor’s Consolidated Mine.  After assisting the miners in the area, characters will continue their journey south towards the Durmand Priory.  Along the way they will encounter a new foe.
The steam creatures are appearing in the Frostgate Falls area.  If left unchecked the steam creatures will continue to expand their territory, creating outposts along the way.  Characters must fight alongside the locals to keep the steam creatures contained to the Frozen Lake.
Further south characters can assist the Durmand Priory expedition in the Molitage Digs or they can investigate the pirate menace in the False Lake.

Map Completion

Renown Hearts 15
Waypoints 16
Points of Interest 43
Skill Points 9
Vistas 10

Renown Hearts

Help Hune manage the lodge (26) – Rouse drunks, take patrons’ orders, calm rowdy patrons, protect dolyaks, and repair fencing.
Make Sure the mining camp maintains productivity (27) – Organize tools, disarm skritt-made traps, stop skirtt ambushes, kill vermin, and protect miners and cargo from hostiles
Help Kelgg with the mine’s troubles (27) – Mend injured miners, collapse skritt holes, and stop skritt thieves.
Help Aurelio keep roads to the Priory safe from the grawl (29) – Clear rockslides and grawl paintings, destroy growl effigies, assist Priory travelers, and deactivate stolen equipment.
Help the Priory stop the dredge encroachment (30) - Destroy dredge mortars, turrets, APCs, towers, and reinforcements, and clear out cave spiders and their nests.
Help Agent Kaukiri trick the dredge into fighting steam creatures. (31) - Obtain a steam creature disguise from a Whispers agent, attack dredge troops, and destroy their personnel carriers, grinders, tunnelers, and miners.
Investigate and contain the expanding steam creature forces. (31) – Reactivate cameras, destroy steam corpses, and gather steam parts for study.
Help Herder Lyot maintain her dolyak range (33) – Keep dolyaks safe, fed, and in their pen.
Help Researcher Suki examine imps near Rocklair (34) – Use essence coagulator to defeat ice imps and open imp portals, then test collected imp essences.
Help Explorer Lendra find relics in Molitage Digs. (35)
Help Arcanist Kruppa with destroyers near Pinion Pass. (36) Battle destroyers and collapse their burrows.
Help Queldip pillage pirates. (36) – Defeat pirates, steal treasure, and destroy turrets.
Help Duidda hassle pirates. (37) – Defeat pirates, destroy turrets, shred flags, and steam rum.
Help Hunter Neida near Vanjir’s Stead. (38) – Battle jotun and hunt ice wurms.
Help Researcher Bramm with his research equipment. (39) – Activate surveillance equipment, revive researchers, and reduce the ettin population.

Location of Interest

Durmand Priory – Located in the western half of Lornar’s Pass, Durmand Priory contains a skill challenge (place of power) located in the Priory Archives, a trading post, Merchant, Weaponsmith, Armorsmith, Equipment repairs, an Asura Gate, and a nearby vista.

Harathi Hinterlands – Level 35-42

The people of the Harathi Hinterlands are under constant attack by the Modniir centaurs.  Characters will most likely enter the zone near Nightguard Beach where they will be able to assist the Nightguard by recovering supplies, clearing rockslides, and even checking crab traps.
As players progress through the zone they will encounter the Seraph who is attempting to fight back against the centaurs.  Characters can work with forward scouts Greta and Luke to take back the northern camps and beat back the centaur menace. 

Map Completion

Renown Hearts 11
Waypoints 15
Points of Interest 15
Skill Points 6
Vistas 8

Renown Hearts

Help the Seraph at Nightguard Beach. (33) – Recover supplies from shipwrecks, clear rockslides, check crab traps, and maintain the camp.
Help Broil Cane disrupt centaurs. (34) - Kill centaurs, smash their supplies, collect and turn in poison and whetstones, set traps, and use unstable explosives.
Train with the Company. (35) – Test Zirra’s ballista and mortars, spar with mercs, use Hawkes’ birds to kill vermin and defeat centaur scouts.
Cause chaos among the centaurs. (36) – Free slaves, kill centaurs, and disrupt their camps to weaken the centaur front.
Help the Seraph disrupt bandit activity. (37) – Rescue the captured Seraph, kill bandit patrols and ambushes, and disrupt their activities in the woods.
Help Ket investigate the Ruins of Demetra (38) – Recover relics from the ruined village for Ket, drive off the grave robbers, and put angry spirits to rest.
Protect Seraph’s Landing. (39) – Drive back centaurs, protect incoming supply ships, defend against raiding bandits, help feed the animals and troops fending the fort.
Assist the skritt in Arcallion Digs. (40) Help keep the passages clear, defend the skritt from predators, and aid them in their fight against the harpies.
Attack the centaurs. (41) – Fight the centaurs, assault their fortress, and support the Seraph.
Help Forward Scout Luke disrupt centaur logistics. (42) – Search for weapons in the debris. Destroy supply stockpiles, fight centaurs, free slaves, bash mining equipment, set explosives, and light woodpiles on fire.
Help Forward Scout Greta cause chaos in the Modniir homeland (43) – Collect dog tags, destroy Modniir equipment, kill centaurs, and free prisoners.


Seraph’s Landing – Seraph’s Landing is the main town of Harathi Hinterlands and is also the base of operations for the Seraph’s defense against the centaurs.
Modniir Gorge – Modniir Gorge is the homeland of the Modniir centaurs.  Characters can work with the Seraph to drive off the centaurs in several dynamics events in the zone.

Fireheart Rise – Level 60-70

Fireheart Rise is home to the Flame Legion.  Characters can join with the Ash Legion and their epic struggle to put an end to the Flame Legion.  While making their way through Fireheart Rise,  characters will find themselves taking part in skirmishes with the Flame Legion in an effort to control different areas of the zone. 
Most characters will enter Fireheart Rise through Sati Passage.  Upon their arrival they will find that the Tuyere Command Post is under attack from the Flame Legion.  As characters journey through the zone they will be able take part in sieges, recruit Grawl to fight the Flame legion, and guide Ash Legion troops into the heart of the Flame Citadel.

Map Completion

Renown Hearts 12
Waypoints 18
Points of Interest 16
Skill Points 7
Vistas 8

Renown Hearts

Assist with maintenance at Tuyere Command Post. (60) – Protect the command post, train Dell troops, and assist with maintenance.
Assist Engineer Verutum (61) – Obtain a tar cleaner from Engineer Verutum.  Use it to cleanse contaminated creatures, tar slicks, and spouts seeping from the lake bed.
Clean up the Flame Legion magic. (61) – Eliminate Flame Legion power sources and the elementals they create. Cull Flame Legion presence in the area.
Stop the Flame Legion from summoning embers (62) – Kill Flame Legion agents and disable their power sources.
Help the Tarstar tribe survive so close to Flame lands. (63) – Kill harpies and smash their eggs. Collect grub eggs for the Tarstar chief.
Help the Wupwup tribe surive so close to Flame lands (63) Protect and feed the pet warthogs. Kill hostile creatures guarding truffles in the cave.
Help the Nrocroc tribe survive so close to the Flame lands. (64) – Bring prickleberries to the Nrocroc chief.  Kill Flame Legion oppressors and bears roaming grawl foraging lands.
Assist the Ash Legion soldiers of Shadow Cleft (65) – Ambush the Flame Legion using mines, traps, explosive boulders, and mortars throughout Switchback Canyons.
Aid kodan refugees fleeing toward Haymal Gore. (66) Help gather meat for refugees, protect refugees seeking Haymal Gore, and light beacons to guide them.
Help Pact researchers with their experimental weapons. (67) – Test Tactician Lyan’s experimental grenades
Help the Ash Legion disrupt the Flame Legion. (68) – Kill Flame Legion, destroy elemental power sources, defend the Ash Legion, and destroy Flame Legion supplies.
Help the Ash Legion strike at the heat of the Flame legion (69)


The Flame Citadel – The Flame Citadel is a level 70 dungeon that can be accessed through the Gates of Flame once the Ash Legion of Liberation Dell is in control of both the Senecus Castrum and the Gates of Flame.