Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Σάββατο 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

Necromancer Death Becomes You: It Has Begun!

Necromancer Death Becomes You: It Has Begun!
Can you feel that?  Yes, that is the power of Death entering the realm of Tyria.  Fear me mortals and quiver as my dark and ghastly presence washes over you!  Wait, give me a moment, I have to unlock this weapon skill first.  Oh, a few more kills aparently, a few more, ah forget it!  Many of us are feeling the impact of having to level their Necromancer from scratch, or at all in my case.  I’ve got a few quick tips for those trying to streamline their Necro’s level process.
I have a deep love of sPvP, it really has consumed all of my BWE time and stress test time.  What could be better then having all of your weapon skills, utility skills, and traits unlocked right away?  However, I feel its only reasonable to experience the world outside of the Mists and so I have ventured out into Tyria to level.  This has left me a bit disorientated with this whole “unlocking” and “leveling” deal.  I have forged ahead and I have a few quick tips for you my ghastly brothers and sisters.
1. Unlock your Skills in Starting Zone.  This is fairly easy and usually it will happen without even trying to do this.  However, Necromancers are a special little profession and we must unlock our Death Shroud skills as well.  Killing the starting area creatures is very rapid and can be done in rapid succession to help unlock your DS skills faster than out in the normal world.  Your starting weapon will be and axe and the number 2 skill will rapidly generate Life Force and thus allow you to stay in Death Shroud more often.
2. Don’t neglect your Underwater Skills. You have to unlock these too but, sadly, you will not have as easy of a time unlocking these traits as you did your land based skills.   Try to avoid any nasty beasts that have regeneration on them, it will be a lot like a damage treadmill trying to chip away at their health.  At lower levels you will have a hard time over coming their regenerative abilities. If you are . . .spatially impared (noob at 3D) then you may want to grab a minion with you to help out.  I suggest the Bone Minions because they are pretty fast at getting to your target and their Putrid Explosion packs a rather large punch to help finish off those aquatic enemies.  Keep in mind your Death Shroud will also have an underwater set of skills that also have to be unlocked.  These are much more annoying to unlock then their land based counterparts.  The underwater version of life blast feels agonizingly slow to cast and you will constantly run out of Life Force before you finish off your target and end up missing the unlocking of Death Shroud skills.  You best bet is to burn down an enemy about 30-40% health with your normal underwater skills then flip to DS and finish them off so you get the unlock to your underwater DS skills.  
3. Grab a Crafting Profession. Sadly, you don’t get all of your gear handed to you like in the Mists.  You actually have to FIND it on the corpses of enemies.  How uncouth.  You may not be above robbing a grave of new components for minions but grave robbing for clothing? I think not.  The high road would be to grab Tailoring so you can start crafting new clothing for yourself. This will not only give you new clothing, bags, and a rather nice Rune of Life to stick in your gear but leveling up Crafting Professions gives you experience too!  Washednblood has a great guide to leveling your Tailoring.  If you are looking for a secondary crafting profession I second Artificing which makes all the weapons you use and potions.  
4. Don’t grind away at high level mobs. I used to grind away high level mobs in WoW like crazy.  It gave amazing XP and loot.  In Guild Wars 2 it is just not as effective, it still rewards more experience than normal mobs but you waste so much time trying to kill just one mob it tends to not pay off.  It can be more effective in a group but your best bet is to stick with mobs closer to your own level range.  
5. Have fun! The most important tip of all!  I tend to get focused on “getting to max level” or unlocking that next skill.  Enjoy you time, experience the world.  The levels will come and so will the skills, traits, and gear.

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