Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Σάββατο 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

A Visual Guide To Guild Wars 2 Cooking

A Visual Guide To Guild Wars 2 Cooking 
It was announced from the start that the Chef / Cooking discipline would be the most complex of the crafts available to us. Cooking requires an extremely high amount of ingredients, and some of the recipes require an earlier recipe as an ingredient. Some meals go up to 6 steps deep in prerequisites.

Using the information made available to us by perturb / frags, I've tried to create a chart showing all the complex recipes. Click the image below for a larger version.

Posted Image

Click here for the old version.

Please note:
- This chart only contains recipes that are 3 tiers or deeper. All simple recipes like vegetables and cookies are intentionally left off.Updated with all known recipes (28-08-2012)
- FreeMind, the software used to create this mindmap, doesn't allow nodes with the same name to be merged back together. I've tried grouping them together as much as possible and numbering them.
- Some of the recipes are datamined and some results from guesswork, it's likely not 100% correct yet.

Sample complex recipe: Bowl of Mushroom & Asparagus Risotto

Step 1: Bowl of Poultry Stock
- Jug of Water
- Slab of Poultry Meat
- Onion x2
- Carrot x2

Step 2: Bowl of Fancy Tangy Sautee Mix
- Onion
- Shallot
- Jar of Vegetable Oil
- Head of Garlic

Step 3: Bowl of Herbed Poultry Stock
- Pile of Simple Stew Herbs
- Bowl of Poultry Stock
- Sage Leaf
- Rosemary Sprig

Step 4: Bowl of Risotto Base
- Bottle of Rice Wine
- Rice Ball
- Bowl of Herbed Poultry Stock
- Bowl of Fancy Tangy Sautee Mix

Step 5: Bowl of Mushroom Risotto
- Mushroom
- Cheese Wedge
- Portobello Mushroom
- Bowl of Risotto Base

Step 6: Bowl of Mushroom & Asparagus Risotto (final recipe, thus not shown on chart)
- Snow Truffle
- Bowl of Mushroom Risotto
- Asparagus Spear

I hope this chart helps people plan ahead a bit and helps others to determine if this daunting gastronomical mess is something you actually want to dive into ;)

Feedback is welcome, and hopefully I'll be able to release additional / full cooking maps in the next few days.

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