Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Σάββατο 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

In Game Music Player Tutorial

Remember way back when James Boer was talking about the sound in Guild Wars 2 in the ArenaNet Blog?  He mentioned that they were including an in game way to play your own music so that it dynamically changes volume during cut scenes, so you never have to miss out on the story line.  Even though I love the music in Guild Wars 2, I will eventually move on to listening to my own music while playing and this feature excited me when it first came out.  I’ve been banging my head during the Beta Weekend Events to figure out how it works and failed misreably!  I resigned myself to concluding that this was a feature that didn’t make the cut for launch, BUT I was wrong!  It does exist, it just happens to be slightly less user friendly then I imagined.
Anve94 over on Reddit has a nice little tutorial on how to get the in game music system playing your favorite tracks.  It essentially lets you create a playlist for a specific type of in game activity you are doing such as Boss Battles or wandering around a City.  Here are the details of the post:
Go to you documents folder -> Guild Wars 2 -> Music.
Create a playlist using your favorite media player.
The music files have to be in a format that FMOD supports by default: .mp3, .ogg, .flac, .wav, .aiff, .mid, .it etc.
The playlist formats that are supported are: .wpl, .m3u, .pls, .asx, and .wax
To play your playlists you have to give it a specific name. The playlist names that are currently recognized by the game are:
  • Ambient
  • Battle
  • Underwater
  • City
  • MainMenu
  • NightTime
  • Crafting
  • BossBattle
Time to load up my Twilight Soundtrack . . . erm Metallica CD.  Yeah, lets go with that one.

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