Players new to Guild Wars 2 are going to be awestruck when they get their first look at the massive, dynamic and vibrant world that ArenaNet has created for them. When focused on the bigger picture, it’s often the little stuff we miss out on.
Here are five small tips that will help new players get the most out of the game.
A brief summary of the five points:
  1. The cities are massive. Look for speed boost NPCs in the main cities to move around faster.
  2. Disable double-tap dodging, and bind a key to dodge. The game’s “dodge” hotkey will make you dodge in whatever direction you are running.
  3. Disable autotargeting to use leaping weapon skills for a speed boost when out of combat.
  4. Use modifier keys to get better access to your other abilities.
    And possibly the most critical one…
  5. Deposit all collectibles. See the video to learn how.