With Guild Wars 2 looming in the distance, many have been wondering what sort of currency is found in the game and more importantly, what is it used for and how to get it.
This guide goes into brief detail about the eight currency options in Guild Wars 2: coin, gems, tokens, influence, karma, skill points, glory and supply.
In total, there are exactly eight forms of currency. For the most part, these all have different uses for the player, but a few can work as a substitute.
First off is coin. Coin works how you think it would in most other games and is broken down in three tiers: bronze, silver and gold. You acquire coin by completing events, looting corpses, opening chests, selling items to vendors, trading with players and completing maps.
Coin is also used for repairing items, buying goods from vendors/players, teleporting to a waypoint, resetting trait points, purchasing keep-upgrades in WvW and, finally, as one of two means for buying gems.
Gems, on the other hand, are used exclusively for buying items, bonuses, and account services like server transfers from the game’s internal cash shop. Gems can be exchange into coin, and vice versa.
For every $1.25 in U.S. dollars, a player will get 100 gems. If you live in Europe, then every 1.0625 pounds will equal 100 gems. The Euro works similar to the U.S. ratio. Gems can be purchased only in specific quantities.
Next we have tokens, which players will receive while running through dungeons. These can be used to buy armor and weapons from dungeon vendors.
We then have a guild-centric currency called influence. Influence is gained by guild members doing events, PvP, inviting new members, doing solo content or buying influence from a guild promoter while representing their guild.
The influence gained is then used to improve the guild in four categories, each with their advantages.
Karma, a non-tradable currency that players use to buy useful high end items, is another form of currency players actively gain while playing the game. Players receive karma by completing events, assisting players with personal stories or completing parts of your own, and completing renowned hearts.
Keep in mind that armor sets requiring karma can also require an event to have been completed locally for the armor to be available to a player.
Skill points, which are unlocked by achieving skill challenges, leveling up after level five, and leveling past 80 with experience points, allow players to unlock abilities and skills that will complement a player’s play style.
Furthermore, skill points can be used to buy in-game items from some vendors, such as the Bloodstone Shard, an item that gives players access to build legendary items.

Lastly, the two remaining currencies deal with structured PvP and WvW.
Glory is gained during structured PvP. Players earn at least five glory for each kill and three for every hit landed with a trebuchet. Glory is also unlocked for completing a number of different objectives in sPvP.
Players use glory to upgrade the look of their PvP gear or to unlock reward chests that contain PvP-centric rewards. Keep in mind, glory can’tbe traded with other players.
Supply, harvested by NPCs in WvW, allows players to upgrade and maintain keeps, towers and build siege weapons for attack or defense.
Players get supplies from a supply depot their world controls, but in order to get these supplies, they have to ensure a network of supply caravans reach each outpost to continue a steady source of supplies. Players can carry 10 supply at a time to repair or build structures and equipment.

Guild Wars 2 certainly has many different forms of currency to keep in mind, and this peek into the inner workings should have shed light on the dark areas.
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